#homeopathy Based on the theory !i! 'like cures like', !n! this idea was 1st suggested by Hippocrates, father of ancient Greek medicine. Homeopaths believe that symptoms of illness are caused by the body's fight against it & not by the illness itself. Homeopathic medicines are designed to stimulate natural forces of recovery within the body. Modern day homeopathy was founded 200yrs ago by a German doctor, Samuel Hahnemann. He discovered that by using these same remedies, but in extremely diluted form, their performance was significantly better. A major benefit of these medicines, which are mostly derived from natural substances & generally administered in minute doses, is low risk of adverse reaction to the drug. Although this is in direct contradiction to modern medicine (which treats disease with drugs that have the opposite effect to the patient's symptoms), Homeopathy is not a fringe medicine. It is widely practised in Europe, India & South Africa. The Queen of England has a specialist in homeopathy.